Deux chiens qui regardent le mur portant des couches pour chien lavables
Chien sur alèse pour chien lavable yepopy

We're excited to introduce our range of washable dog mats and diapers, designed to improve the lives of our four-legged friends.

With Yepopy, we have thought of everything, because our faithful companions deserve it! Incontinence, overheating, toilet training, post-operation... We have developed an economical, ecological and above all practical solution!

Attractive packaging, tested and approved products and above all the possibility of developing your income by offering quality products to your loyal customers.

Yepopy offers you simple, useful and profit-generating products

Our offering is aimed at professionals active in the dog world: 

pharmacies and parapharmacies 

Veterinary clinics

   Grooming salons, dog hotels

Pet stores 

Any business or e-commerce specialized in the sale of animals items

Others (contact us) 


COVETO, le partenaire vétérinaire

La Coopérative des Vétérinaires de l’Ouest a été créée en 1976 par des vétérinaires praticiens libéraux qui voulaient mettre en commun leurs moyens et leurs compétences, tout en restant indépendants. 40 ans plus tard, COVETO est devenu un des leaders de la distribution de médicaments, produits (pet-food, hygiène…) et matériels vétérinaires en France. 

Découvrir l’offre Yepopy disponible chez COVETO 



JIKA est avant tout une équipe de spécialistes à votre écoute, animée par la PASSION DE VOUS SERVIR,

Fondée en 1987, JIKA est une PME française spécialisée dans la conception, la fabrication et la commercialisation de matériels, d’équipements et d’accessoires destinés aux professionnels :

– toiletteurs
– éleveurs
– éducateurs
– vétérinaires
– écoles
– centres de formation

Découvrir l’offre Yepopy disponible chez Jika 


You are our priority

We will listen to you, we will respond to you and we will always try to provide solutions that are beneficial to our partner relationship.

The product is designed to satisfy our dog friends!

If we have the same goal then your feedback will always be a major point in the design process of our product. 


Do it together

“Alone we go faster but together we go further”.

This proverb takes on a lot of meaning at Yepopy. We are convinced that the cumulative effect of our efforts can create beautiful things, so it is only natural that creating it together is a major value at Yepopy.


We will try to provide you with a solution that is within your means and ours. 

Our goal is to share our victories with our partners. We wish to establish a relationship based on mutual gain while respecting the purchasing power of our end customer. 

